Recognized by the main indexes and rankings.

A business model based on sustainability and sustainable regeneration

Demostramos que se puede crecer sin contaminar más. +320% de ventas con un -83% de emisiones


Sustainability: ACCIONA's axis of action

Sustainability permeates each of the ideas, decisions, processes and projects that make ACCIONA a leading global company in promoting sustainable development and combating the climate emergency.

We support a sustainable business model that seeks economic growth, social progress and environmental balance with the goal of improving the lives of present and future generations.


To achieve this, we design solutions that address the major global challenges facing humanity: decarbonisation of the energy system, the climate emergency, water and sanitation shortages, the need for resilient infrastructures, and innovation and the development of more sustainable cities.

    Our figures back us up


    Million tons of CO₂ avoided in 2023

    99 %

    CapEx aligned with sustainable activities according to the European taxonomy


    Projects with a study of Social Impact Management


    We support the achievement United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, which address the greatest challenges facing humanity.

    Sustainable Development Goals

    We fight against climate change

    emissions avoided through renewables-based generation

    Thanks to our renewable energy projects around the world we manage to avoid the emission of millions of tons of CO₂

    How do we calculate using the emissions counter? The total CO₂ emissions avoided for a period is obtained by adding the emissions avoided in each of the countries in which ACCIONA generates renewable electricity during the period, taking into account its emission factor.


    Tons of CO₂ emissions avoided in 2023

    Featured sustainability initiatives

    climate emergency and social development

    climate emergency

    Climate change is the main challenge to the future of life on this planet

    social development

    ACCIONA understands that it must take a leading role in contributing to the sustainable development of the communities in the countries where it operates and to help improve the quality of life of the people that live there.


    Sustainability Indexes and Rankings

    The economic, environmental and social performance is subject to study by a large number of specialized agents, a fact that is reflected in the existence of specific indexes and reports.

    Organizations we collaborate with

    ACCIONA participates in the public debate and works along side with other companies and organizations sharing its experience for a common goal: the fight against climate change and the achievement of a sustainable development.

    The latest news in sustainability

    Nature fades to deafening silence

    The sounds of nature fulfil an essential function in the planet’s ecosystems. Below, we discuss ecological silence and what it tells us about biodiversity.

    The latest news in sustainability

    Can a Doughnut Help Save the Planet?

    Economist Kate Raworth used the metaphor of a donut to propose an economic model centred on planetary regeneration and the fair distribution of well-being.

    The latest news in sustainability

    Solar Panel Recycling: A Second Life for Sustainable Power

    Recycling solar panels offers multiple environmental, social and economic benefits. But how does this process work?



    Our goal of achieving universal access to basic services prompted us, a decade ago, to create the acciona.org Foundation. A platform from which we reach out to isolated communities around the globe to provide them with basic, sustainable and modern service of electricity, safe water and infrastructure.